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Dr. Lisa Funk

The Transformative Power of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

Welcome to a comprehensive exploration of the profound benefits that chiropractic care can bring to your pregnancy journey. As a dedicated chiropractor specializing in preconception, pregnancy, pediatrics, and women's health, I am thrilled to guide you through the incredible impact of the Webster Technique and prenatal chiropractic care.

The Webster Technique: Empowering Natural Childbirth

In the 1980s, Dr. Larry Webster developed the revolutionary Webster Technique with a focus on supporting natural childbirth. The technique gained prominence for its remarkable ability to turn breech babies into a head-down position, significantly enhancing the prospects of a safer and easier natural delivery.

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Understanding the Mechanism

The question often arises: How does a chiropractic adjustment influence the position of the baby? The key lies in restoring pelvic balance. Misalignment of the mother's pelvis tightens the ligaments connected to the uterus, distorting the uterine space. This tension restricts the baby's movement, akin to trying to turn over in a bed with someone sitting on the sheets. The Webster adjustment releases this tension, enabling the baby to move freely and position itself optimally for birth.

ICPA and the Webster Technique

Throughout pregnancy, many women seek the expertise of ICPA doctors to harness the full spectrum of benefits offered by the Webster Technique. Beyond its success in turning breech presentations, this adjustment reduces interference to the nervous system, optimizing physiological functions for both mother and baby. A balanced pelvis, muscles, and ligaments set the stage for a natural birth.

Prenatal Chiropractic Care: Your Path to Comfort and Well-Being

Pregnancy brings about significant changes to the body, making proper spinal alignment crucial. Our specialized prenatal chiropractic care is designed to:

  • Relieve Common Discomforts: Alleviate pregnancy-related back pain, pelvic discomfort, and sciatica.

  • Optimize Pelvic Alignment: Promote the ideal environment for your baby's growth and development.

  • - Enhance Nervous System Function: Ensure optimal overall health for both you and your baby.

The Benefits of Chiropractic Care in Pregnancy

Experience the numerous benefits of our gentle and safe chiropractic techniques:

1. Decreased muscle spasms and inflammation

2. Restored balance in hips and pelvis

3. Improved quality of sleep

4. Reduction in labor pains and delivery time

pregnant woman

5. More comfortable pregnancy

6. Decreased low back and hip pain

What to Expect During Your Visit

Embark on a personalized journey to a healthier pregnancy with:

- Comprehensive Pregnancy Assessment: A thorough examination tailored to your specific needs.

- Personalized Pregnancy Care Plan: Customized chiropractic care supporting you through each stage of pregnancy.

- Educational Pregnancy Support: Guidance on posture, exercises, and lifestyle adjustments complementing your chiropractic care.

Take Action for a Healthier Pregnancy

Ready to embrace the benefits of chiropractic care during pregnancy? Book your appointment online today and embark on a journey to a safer, more comfortable, and joyful pregnancy.

For more information, explore the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association at (, learn about the Webster Technique, and discover the wonders of prenatal chiropractic care at

A balanced pelvis sets the stage for a natural and harmonious childbirth. Embrace the benefits of chiropractic care, and let the journey to a healthier pregnancy begin!


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